Top 10k strings from S.A.S. Assault (1983)(Mikro-Gen)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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  18 ;"Choose option":
  18 "You return to the stairs.":
   8 ;"YOU SEE:":
   4 ;"YOU ARE DEAD":
   4 "You return to the stairs":
   2 ;"PRESS ANY KEY":
   2 ;"NO. OF ATTACKERS=";men
   2 ;"Choose option"
   2 ;"Choose Option":
   2 ;"COP  THIS":
   2 ;"ACCURACY-";b
   2 "b=Run to barn"
   2 "b=.44 Magnum"
   2 "a=M.16 Assault Rifle":
   2 "a=Go back to tunnel with two      doors.":
   2 "Your shot missed":
   2 "Your shot hit ":
   2 "Your burst missed":
   2 "Your burst hit":
   2 "You take some of the ammunition which was in the room and returnto the stairs.":
   2 "You missed with both bursts":
   2 "You may only fire 1 bullet":
   2 "You hit with both bursts":
   2 "You hit with 1 burst":
   2 "You have just entered a long    thin room which has an open     window.Surrounding the window   are several boxes in the centre of which is a mortar.You look   out of the window only to see   your van in flames.":
   2 "You enter the room to find it   more like an armed camp.There   are ";man;" armed men sitting watchingout of the window but they turn and see you.":
   2 "You enter the room to find it   has been made into an ammunitionstore.This ammunition is the    wrong calibre and can not be    used in your gun.":
   2 "What weapon do you wish to use?":
   2 "TORSO HIT":
   2 "No bursts hit":
   2 "LEG HIT":
   2 "How many bursts do you wish to  fire (1/2/3)"
   2 "HITS=";sa:
   2 "HEAD HIT":
   2 "Do you wish to unlock the door  and go outside. (y/n)"
   2 "Do you wish to take them. (y/n)"
   2 "Do you want to switch it off.":
   2 "DO YOU WANT ANOTHER GAME        (y/n)":
   2 "DAMAGE=";c:
   2 "As you enter this room you can  tell that it is being used as a sleeping quarters because of thesleeping bags on the floor.Thereis also a window from which you can see the boat house and the  river.As you scan the room in   the far corner you can see a    cell with the ambassador in it.":
   2 "As you are looking around the   room,";man;" men enter carrying       weapons.":
   2 "All 3 bursts hit":
   2 "AMMO/M-16=";am:
   2 "AMMO/.44 =";mo
   2 "2 bursts hit":
   2 "1 burst hit":
   1 part B    
   1 part A    
   1 instru    
   1 e$="tluassa"
   1 c$="green"
   1 c$="black"
   1 ;"You continue down the road.     You see an entrance to the farm."
   1 ;"You are in sight of the farm.   You can see four buildings but no movement."
   1 ;"YOUR DEAD":
   1 ;"YOU ARE DEAD                    YOU WILL HAVE TO START AGAIN    ":
   1 ;"WELL DONE YOU HAVE FINISHED THISADVENTURE.LUCK MUST HAVE BEEN ONYOUR SIDE                                                       "
   1 ;"WEAPONS-.44 Magnum                      M.16 Assault rifle"
   1 ;"NOTE:Do not get carried away    with firing three bursts from   your M16 as you only have a     limited amount of ammo."
   1 ;"LUCK-";e
   1 ;"In the second part of this      program your skills change      according to how you            reacted in part A."
   1 ;"DAMAGE-";c
   1 ;"ARMOUR-";d
   1 ;"(enter your name)"
   1 ;" STOP THE TAPE",:
   1 ;" STOP THE TAPE",
   1 ;"       PRESS ANY KEY         ":
   1 ;"       PRESS ANY KEY         "
   1 ;"                               "
   1 "c=Smash through entrance into     farmyard."
   1 "c=Look around."
   1 "c=Look around":
   1 "c=Go back and take the tunnel     branching off to the left"
   1 "c=Fire on site"
   1 "c=Fire at lock"
   1 "b=Try a key in the set":
   1 "b=Take the tunnel branching off   to the right"
   1 "b=Take keys and look for secret   door"
   1 "b=Surrender"
   1 "b=Start boat engine and head for  LONDON.":
   1 "b=Run to the boathouse."
   1 "b=Run for your life"
   1 "b=Open trap door and go up"
   1 "b=Open door on the right":
   1 "b=Open door and go through"
   1 "b=Look around":
   1 "b=Go through secret door."
   1 "b=Go down trapdoor"
   1 "b=Go down trap door":
   1 "b=Go back to the boathouse"
   1 "b=Go back through secret door.":
   1 "b=Go back down tunnel until you   reach the two doors"
   1 "b=Drive on past.":
   1 "b=Crates"
   1 "b=Approach on foot under cover"
   1 "a=climb back up the stairs":
   1 "a=Turn back along the tunnel and  take the tunnel branching off to the right":
   1 "a=Try to open door":
   1 "a=Take the tunnel branching off   to the left":
   1 "a=Take keys and leave in boat":
   1 "a=Run to shed":
   1 "a=Run to farmhouse":
   1 "a=Open door on the left":
   1 "a=Make a run for the road.":
   1 "a=Go through secret door":
   1 "a=Go back down tunnel":
   1 "a=Go back down corridor to the    tunnel with two doors":
   1 "a=Get out vehicle and take cover  under it.":
   1 "a=Fire at attackers.":
   1 "a=Fire at attackers":
   1 "a=Climb the stairs":
   1 "a=Approach in vehicle":
   1 "______________"
   1 "You unlock the door and go      outside.":
   1 "You take the torch.You can also see that on the side of the     generator there is a switch     which is on":
   1 "You take the card."
   1 "You see stairs which look       unsafe leading up to the loft   and also a trapdoor in the      floor"
   1 "You see no movement from within the farmhouse":
   1 "You see movement in the         farmhouse.Two gang members run  from the house towards you they are carrying Lee Enfield rifles."
   1 "You run towards the farhouse butyou get gunned down.You take    damage from the gunfire but     manage to crawl back to the shed":
   1 "You run full pelt towards the   road but you come under heavy   gunfire.You are just about into cover when a mortar shell burstsbeside you.                     YOU WILL HAVE TO START AGAIN":
   1 "You return to the stairs with   the ambassador":
   1 "You hear noises and just ahead  of you ";man;" men appear ":
   1 "You have taken care of these    guys":
   1 "You have spotted ";man;" men in barn"
   1 "You have managed to find the    ambassador but you now have to  get him safely to LONDON.":
   1 "You have just entered a small   square room which would be emptyif it was not for two chairs at the window.There is no one in it":
   1 "You have just entered a long    thin room which has an open     window.Surrounding the window   are several boxes in the centre of which is a mortar.You look   out of the window only to see   your van in flames.Just then youhear a voice and you turn to seea small cell in the corner of   theroom with the ambassador in  it.":
   1 "You have just entered a long    thin room which has an open     window.Surrounding the window   are several boxes in the centre of which is a mortar.You look   out of the window only to see   your van in flames.Just then youhear a voice and turn to see theambassador locked in a cell in  the corner of the room.":
   1 "You have just entered a large   rectangular room which must be  being used as a common room as  there are dartboards and card   tables spread out around the    room."
   1 "You have just entered a large   kitchen.There is no one in it atthe moment but some food is on  the cooker.":
   1 "You have just entered a large   kitchen.Sitting around a table  in the centre of the foom are,";man;" armed men,they turn and see you.":
   1 "You have found the front door   but it is locked and you do not have the key.":
   1 "You have found the front door   but although it is locked you   managed to find the key earlier on.":
   1 "You have found the front door   but although it is locked you   have a key.":
   1 "You have found a ";c$;" plastic  card."
   1 "You have entered a store room.  There is a table in the room    with two chairs beside it.There are also some crates stacked     against the north facing wall.  FOOD is printed on the side of  each crate."
   1 "You have entered a large        boathouse with several crates   and three high power speed boats":
   1 "You have been caught and knocked unconcious":
   1 "You had a look around but did   not find anything useful.":
   1 "You go through the secret door  and travel along a tunnel until you reach a door which has a    small screen and slit below it."
   1 "You go through the door and walkalong a tunnel.On the ground youcan see some wet footprints":
   1 "You go down the stairs to the   ground floor of the barn":
   1 "You go back to the boat house.  There are crates lying about and four high power speed boats"
   1 "You go back through the secret  door and along the tunnel until you come to the door with the   small screen and slit.":
   1 "You go back along the tunnel andtake the one to the right":
   1 "You found the secret door":
   1 "You found nothing.":
   1 "You failed to see ";man;" gang members":
   1 "You failed to find the correct  brick.":
   1 "You enter the room to find you  are in a store room filled with sacks,crates and a table in the corner.":
   1 "You enter the room to find you  are in a store room filled with sacks,crates and a table in the corner on which a set of keys islying.":
   1 "You enter the room to find it isa sleeping quarters:There are a  couple of camp beds and a small table.On the table you can see  that there is a set of keys.":
   1 "You enter the room to find it isa sleeping quarters.There are a  couple of camp beds and and a   small table.You see nothing else":
   1 "You enter the room to find it isa sleeping quarters.There are a  couple of camp beds and a small table.On the table you can see a set  of keys.":
   1 "You enter the room to find it isa sleeping quarters.There are a  couple of camp beds and a small table.":
   1 "You enter the room to find a    sort of armed look out post but luckily there is no one about.  You see some ammunition in a box":
   1 "You enter the room to find a    sort of armed camp look out postwith 3 men in it.":
   1 "You enter the room to find a    sort of armed camp look out postIn the corner of the room there is a cell with the ambassador   in it.":
   1 "You enter the  room to find a   sort of armed camp look out postIn the corner of the room there is a cell with the ambassador init but there are 3 men guarding it.":
   1 "You did not find the ambassador YOU WILL HAVE TO START AGAIN":
   1 "You did not find anything that  would be of any use.":
   1 "You decide to go back along the tunnel but when you try the doorit has jammed and it will not   even move with a swift kick.":
   1 "You continue down the tunnel on the right until you reach two   doors in the tunnel wall.":
   1 "You continue down the tunnel    until you can see a trap door inthe roof of the tunnel.":
   1 "You continue down the road undercover of a row of hedges.       You come to the entrance of the farm.":
   1 "You continue down a flight of   stairs."
   1 "You carry on down the tunnel    until you come to a door in the wall":
   1 "You can see some beds tables andchairs and some ammunition in   the corner":
   1 "You can not open the door.":
   1 "You can hear a low droning      which is becoming louder."
   1 "You broke your neck on the stair":
   1 "You both climb into the boat andafter a long journey you make itto LONDON":
   1 "You arrived at the boathouse    safely and there is no one aboutThere are still 4 high power     speed boats there.":
   1 "You arrived at the boathouse    safely and there is no one aboutThere are still 4 high power     speed boats there,one of which  you have the key to.":
   1 "You are running low on ammo so  do you wish to take it. (y/n)"
   1 "You are in a small building witha generator in the centre of    the room.There are no other     exits.You can also see that on  the side of the generator there is a switch which is on":
   1 "You are in a small building witha generator in the centre of    the room,there are no other     exits.You can see a torch lyingon top of the generator"
   1 "You are a member of the SPECIAL AIR SERVICE and you have been   briefed on your latest          assignment by your commanding   officer:A Russian Ambassador in London during NATO and Warsaw   Pact peace talks was kidnapped  by an organised terrorist gang."
   1 "You appear to have entered the  room the gang used for washing  because of the row of basins    along the wall."
   1 "YOU COWARD":
   1 "YOU ARE DEAD.                   Do you wish to start part B     again? (y/n)":
   1 "Whilst you were looking around  behind a crate you found some   ammunition of the correct       calibre.":
   1 "When you started to look around the boathouse you found a secretdrawer in the table in which wasa set of boat keys.":
   1 "What do you want to wait behind":
   1 "WELL DONE!!":
   1 "The noise from the gun attractedattention and men poured into   the room taking you prisoner.":
   1 "The lights flicker then go out. You switch on your torch and    make your way back down the trapdoor and take the tunnel        branching off to the right"
   1 "The key you tried in the lock   fitted and the door swings open.You tell the ambassador briefly who you are and tell him to     follow you to which he agrees.":
   1 "The key you tried did not fit   the lock but there are more.":
   1 "The ground was mined.":
   1 "The door opens and closes behindyou.":
   1 "The door had been booby-trapped.":
   1 "The card passes through the slitand INSERT CODE WORD appears on the screen."
   1 "On the other side of the door   you can see the plastic card anda map of the farmhouse.":
   1 "On the floor by the door you cansee a set of keys that someone  must have dropped.":
   1 "On one of the tables nearest youthere is a set of keys.":
   1 "Lying on the table is a set of  keys":
   1 "Just then you hear a noise and  turn to see 2 men with rifles   entering the room":
   1 "It is believed that the gang areholding the ambassador captive  in an isolated farm house in    Surrey.You must find the        ambassador and take him safely  to the Russian Embassy in London"
   1 "Five men appear from the        farmhouse carrying auto-weapons and they knock you unconcious":
   1 "Do you with to take them. (y/n)"
   1 "Do you wish to take them?  (y/n)"
   1 "Do you wish to take them (y/n)"
   1 "Do you wish to take the keys    (y/n)"
   1 "Do you wish to take the card":
   1 "Do you wish to take the ammo y/n"
   1 "Do you wish to take keys (y/n)"
   1 "Do you want to take the ammo":
   1 "Do you want to insert the card.":
   1 "Do you want another game":
   1 "Choose Option":
   1 "At the bottom of the stairs you can see two tunnels branching ofin opposite directions"
   1 "As you were returning from the  door 5 gang members appeared andknocked you unconcious.":
   1 "As you walked out you  were     gunned down by gang members at  the above windows.":
   1 "As you wait around 4 men enter  the room and attack you":
   1 "As you enter this room you tell that it is being used as a      sleeping quarters because of thesleeping bags on the floor.Thereis also a window from which you can see the boat house and the  river.":
   1 "As you enter this room you can  see sleeping bags on the floor. There is also a window from     which you can see the boat houseand the  river.":
   1 "As you are waiting in the       boathouse,";man;" men appeared  lookingfor you and the ambassador":
   1 "As you are waiting in the       boathouse,";man;" men appeared  looking   for you and the ambassador":
   1 "As you are looking out of the   window you hear a noise and turnto see 2 men with rifles enter  the room":
   1 "As you are looking around the   room,";man;" men enter the room       carrying weapons.":
   1 "As you are looking around 2 men enter carrying weapons.":
   1 "A statement was issued from the Kremlin that this was an act of aggression against the Warsaw   Pact and if he is not returned  to the Russian Embassy in       London in seven days a full     scale conventional war would be declared against all NATO       countries."
   1 "A boat draws up with four men   in it carrying auto-weapons.    You manage to kill one but the  others have taken care of you":
   1 "A boat draws up and three men   step out.One of the men puts theboats key down on a table .     They walk over to a wall and    when they push a certain brick  a door in the wall opens and themen disappear"
   1 "(y)es (n)o":
   1 "";man;" men appear from the tunnel    while  you were looking for the secret door"